What is Digua?

Patu Digua, or shortly Digua, is a web (HTML, JavaScript and CSS) obfuscator and compressor.

It will reduce the size of your website, boosting performance this way, and it will make your JavaScript source code harder to be copied.

How it works?

How is the obfuscation and compression done by Patu Digua? Basically a root folder for your site is provided and this will be the source.

The destination will be the processed file/folder structure for your site. Every file in the source folder will be processed recursively.

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Main features

  • Obfuscations and compression of HTML, CSS and JavaScript files
  • Removal of unsignificant whitespace and newline characters
  • Possibility to preserve whitespaces in some tags
  • Removal of comments
  • Renaming of HTML IDs, CSS classes and JavaScript variables, labels, functions
  • Run both from GUI and command line

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Web design by Sergio Rey